Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

We had a busy holiday weekend. I don't really remember what we did, LOL. I just remember being busy. For Memorial Day this year, we spent Sunday at my mom's house. Spike grilled up some chicken and turkey burgers. I made some veggie foil packs for Spike to grill, and then for dessert, we had grilled pineapple with pineapple-coconut ice cream and a brown sugar and butter glaze I made, all served with a piece of angel food cake. YUM! We were supposed to scrap book after we ate but we never got around to it. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Here are a few pictures (Sorry most of them are blurry):

Brock's new gummy smile

And my mom (She'll probably kill me for putting this on here, but she's so cute!)

Ribbit Ribbit

Major updates!!

So it's been a little while since I updated the blog. Here are a few things going on in Brock's world:

- Tried Avacado (still not loving it)
- Tried Sweet Peas (totally hated them)
- Tried Pears (LOVES them)
- Tried Mango (LOVES them)
- Tried Butternut Squash (Loves them)

- Is currently cutting TWO teeth
- Is starting to crawl - can get up on all 4's and rocks, then hops like a frog.
- Can sit up by himself for a little while and is learning to use his hands and arms for support
- Can wave when you say hi/hello & buh-bye!! Sooooo cute :-)
- Started smiling on purpose, not as an imitation to you.

So lots of exciting stuff going on! I will be posting some pictures of his cute new smile and a video of his crawling/hopping.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

1st poopy diaper with cloth diapers...

Ok, so you all know this has been my biggest hesitation with the cloth diapers. Well the inevitable finally happened this morning :-(

So I went to get Brock out of bed and just by how bad he smelled when I picked him up, I knew it was going to be a poopy diaper. Well, I proceeded to change him and started cussing Spike out (in my head of course) because he still hasn't hooked up the diaper sprayer to the toilette

I was just hoping and praying that the poop was going to be more solid than sticky/messy...Well it ended up being 1/2 & 1/2... So I put the diaper to the side, threw a new diaper on Brock, set him in his crib and went to the bathroom. I was able to shake off the clump of poop right into the toilette but wasn't able to really to anything with the sticky stuff. So I tried to scrape it off with toilette paper and that wasn't working at all! So now I'm mad and have no idea what to do. LOL.

So I grabbed all the dirty diapers, and the new ones that I got in the mail yesterday and started the washer. While I was in the laundry room I realized that I could just use the water from the washer as it was filling up to help remove the left over poop. I did just that and it worked wonders! I checked the cycle and the poopy diaper after the pre-wash cycle and it was CLEAN!

Needless to say, I'm going to have Spike install that sprayer as soon as he wakes up so I can be prepared for the next diaper. I'm also going to move the diaper pail into the bathroom so I don't have to walk around with a wet diaper.

Overall, the experience wasn't that fun, but I think I can handle it if I am properly equipped! LOL. So hopefully the next go-round is better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

1st night in cloth diapers = SUCCESS!

I am in LOVE with our new diapers!!! Before now I could not find a diaper that Brock didn't leak through at night. I had to wash his sheets every day! Well he made it from 8pm to 6:30am without leaking!!! I am so excited! YAY! He was in disposables all day today while he was with my sister-in-law, so we haven't had to deal with poop yet. I'm still nervous about having to deal with poop in a cloth diaper, but I'm just taking it one step at a time. I can (and will) get through this! Anyway, here are a few pictures I took of him in the new diapers last night. They look huge, but they aren't too bad.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We made the jump... to cloth diapers!!!

So about 2 weeks ago I went to the Green Street Fair in a neighboring town. It was a street fair full of Eco-Friendly vendors. Spike & I have always wanted to use cloth diapers, but we were hesitant to make the jump. It was like a fear of the unknown. Anyway, I came across a vendor from

Well the woman came over tonight and gave us a free consultation. We ended up going with the BumGenius 3.0

I'm still nervous, but I'm really excited. These will last us until Brock is done potty training and can even be saved and re-used for baby #2 later!

Monday, May 4, 2009

An apple a day keeps the doctors away!

I hope that old saying is true! I'm not sure if Brock likes apples or not yet. He gagged with his first few bites of the applesauce that I made him, but ate the whole bowl when I mixed it with his cereal... so we'll see. Developing a palette is going to take lots of practice!

Anyway, here is how I made them:

1 gala apple (peeled & cored)
Cut into cubes

I think if I bought organic apples,it would have been fine to clean them and just steam them with the skins on. But since these weren't organic I peeled them.

So easy!! Eventually I think I'll add some cinnamon to it because it was soooo bland. But I don't plan on doing that for a while.

I also put a little piece of an apple into his fruit/veggie feeder thingie and got some great shots! He's so funny.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Too cute to keep to myself!

Getting attacked with daddy-kisses