Friday, October 22, 2010

Your Three Words


LOL Brock! This morning I was sitting on the other side of him on the couch. I thought he was happily eating his Coco Puffs... I got up to get the door for my mom and saw this! He looked up and me and goes, "Mmmmm Mamma! Cheche!!" Cheche is what he calls his milk (for leche in Spanish). 

Don't forget to hop on over and join Jenni's Y3W Blog Hop!


Unknown said...

This is too cute :) Who needs cereal when you have milk?!

molly said...

LOL! And my kid is the opposite. He pours the milk on the floor to get to the cheerios :)

jenni from the blog said...

Aww, that is so adorable! Carter loves to drink his (or my) cereal milk with a spoon too!

Hanna said...

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