Monday, September 10, 2012

Let's catch up

So... originally I had intended on creating a separate post for everything that has happened since April, but... I think I'll just do one big post and get ya caught up as quickly as possible.


What would any holiday be without the collective awesomeness that is Pinterest? Like, seriously? I found this cute tradition for the kids and it was a big hit this year. Unfortunately I cannot find the original pinner now, so I apologize. We had the kids dig little holes in the front garden and bury some jelly beans. We told them that the Easter Bunny sent us these "magic beans" and that they would grow into something really cool in the morning. Take a look at how excited they were:

  We took some time to dye Easter eggs after we buried the jelly beans.

Easter morning... Ta-Da!!!!!

Lilly's "episodes"
So earlier this year, Lilly started having some weird "episodes." They are hard to describe and we still don't have any answers. As of now, the neurologist says it could be nothing, or it could either be some sort of epilepsy that is presenting itself in a weird way (because she isn't convulsing or anything), or it could be dystonia. She hasn't had an episode since June, but I believe it was a 3-month span between the first one and the one in June. She gets this weird muscle spasm in her left arm that we assume is shooting a painful sensation up to her neck and down to her fingers. The first time it happened, she was asleep and woke up screaming thinking that the dog was biting her. The most recent episodes, she thought a bug was biting her. She's never lost consciousness or anything. We'll keep you posted.

Bathroom renovation - this one deserves its own special post, so stay tuned...

Summer statistics
Lilly is 2 1/2 - as of August 6th
Brock will be 4 in 1 month - OMG!
We celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary

Our beautiful new fish tank (with custom stand built by my old man) - this one also deserves its own special post :-)

My reading list - Check it out up at the top right side under the "about me" section.

My Christmas knitting project
My mom and I are planning on making these cute little gingerbread toys!!

Menu planning
I used to be one of those moms that had to sit and think about dinner at the end of every work day... ugh! Not anymore. I now plan a menu for 2 weeks worth of meals; 10 actual recipes, 2 meals the kids get to pick, and 2 "mystery" meals. Those two meals are for one each week. With them I either use to shuffle meals around as the week progresses (lets face it; sometimes I don't want to cook) or we have a quick, few ingredient meal (fried bologna sandwiches, buttered noodles, spaghetti). I plan to start posting our menu on Sunday's after I go grocery shopping.

OK! There  ya have it. Stay tuned for posts on our bathroom renovation and fish tank!

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