Wednesday, February 18, 2009

4 months old!!

Brock turned 4 months old on Valentine's day!

Here are a few pictures from the weekend. 1st we went to the Detroit Science Center and spent a good chunk of our day there. You all know how big of a TV junkie Brock is... well imagine how excited he was to experience his first IMAX Dome theater movie of the Deep Sea! He LOVED it!!

"Give a dog a pound Ma! Science ROCKS!"

After that, the three of us spent the night at the Inn on Ferry Street. Ferry Street is in Midtown and is a street lined with 1800's style mansions. Over time these mansions have been renovated and turned into a hotel.

So cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's too cute, Larissa! I love science museums, I don't know if I've been to the Detroit one though (funny I know). Sounds like a fun valentines weekend with your TWO valentines!You lucky girl you!