Monday, September 19, 2011

Operation Skinny Update

My challenges and successes this past week:

1) No gain this week.
2) Started Zumba last Tuesday! 

1) No loss this week.
1) Have not gone grocery shopping so I have no fresh produce.
2) Came down with a cold so I don't feel like doing anything.

Starting weight: 180 lbs
Current Weight: 174 lbs
Difference:  -6 lbs
Pounds to lose to Goal: 24 lbs

I know I need to drink more water and get moving more. These two things work and I know they do. I lost 25 pounds a long time ago on Weight Watchers so I remember the keys to success. I am hoping this cold passes soon! I have Zumba on Tuesday, but I am hoping to get in some walking or even an extra work out class this week. The weather is finally cooling off, so I can start walking around the neighborhood after the kids go to bed I guess.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our trip to Des Moines, IA

My husband attended an Aquarium Conference in Des Moines, IA this past weekend. The kids and I tagged along. While the 10 hour trip sucked the life out of me (there and back) we had a good time. Since my husband was going to be in sessions all day I had to find a way to keep them entertained. We went to the Science Center, Blank Park Zoo, and took a stroll in Downtown Des Moines one afternoon. It is a beautiful city and they take pride in keeping their city clean. I took a bazillion pictures because Spike had to miss out on all the fun we were having. Each night we would sit in bed and go through the camera!

Science Center:
 The kids played with this thing for over 30 minutes! They loved it!

Blank Park Zoo:

 Feeding the giraffe was probably the highlight of the day!

Downtown Des Moines, IA:

Viva Las Vegas!

Oh my word! Remember my Y3W from before I left for Vegas? Well we're back and we had a BLAST!!! So many laughs. I really needed that! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our trip:

I sort of startled my sisters-in-law with this one :-)

My baby sister's husband drove her from Arizona to Vegas to spend a couple days with me! YAY!

 Totally took Stripper 101 and am now a "licensed" stripper... LOL! Great class! So fun.

Wordless Wednesday

Beautiful black swan at Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines, IA.

Operation Skinny update

This will be a quick one. Sorry! I have lots of updating to do... Over the last 2 weeks I have been to Las Vegas and Des Moines, Iowa. At my last Operation Skinny update, I was down 7 pounds. The morning I left for Vegas I was down one more pound, putting me at 172 lbs for a total of an 8 pound loss before vacation.  Unfortunately during my vacation I put back on 2 pounds. So right now, I am at a 6 pound weight loss. I am back on track this week and started Zumba last night!! So... here's to getting rid of this freaking weight!! Woop woop!

Starting weight: 180
Current weight: 174

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Your 3 Words

My mother-in-law is treating myself and her two daughters to an awesome Girls Weekend in Vegas this Holiday weekend. We will be gone for 4 days/5 nights.  This is by far the longest I will be away from my family. While I know I will miss the crap out of my husband and kids this weekend (considering I've been dreading 9/2 for a couple of weeks) there are a few things I am actually looking forward to:

  • Sleeping in
  • Sleeping through the night
  • Eating 3 meals without interruption before they are stone cold
  • No whining
  • No cleaning
  • Hanging out with the best sisters-in-law and mother-in-law any girl could ever wish for!
Some things I will miss:
  • Seeing my babies in the morning with their cute bed-head and puffy eyes; same goes for my husband too :-)
  • Good morning and good night kisses
  • My kids' stories; although I will call every day, its just not the same :-(
  • Tucking them in at night
My prayer for the weekend is that my husband maintains his patience; that my children behave; but most importantly, that my husband and kids get some kick-ass bonding time in while I am away :-) They deserve it!