Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let the remodeling begin!

We are TOTALLY slacking on getting Lillian's room done. We haven't even started it and I only have 9 weeks left before she is born! OMG!

Here is a list of what has to be done in order to start on her bedroom (which is currently my office):

1) Completely empty out our bedroom, wash the mound of clothes on the floor, build our IKEA wardrobe closet.
2) Finish building the canopy for the fish tank that will be going in our room
3) Take apart the current fish tank from my office and put in new tank in our room
4) Remove all of my office furniture (huge desk, book case, and storage shelves)
5) Tear up carpet in the office and get harwood floors installed in what will be Lilly's room
6) Begin filling her room with the crib, rocking chair, clothes in closet, dresser, etc.
7) Move fish tank from living room into Brock's room

Wow! Before #1 was to purchase an Armoire Desk to put into the living room. This will now be my work space... which brings me to today's post! Here's my new armoire desk. I love it!!!  Here it is with our stockings (they'll be embroidered next year):

Here is the inside (I just added our other computer & my fax machine while these were loading, so hopefully one day I will update the blog with the finished inside!
Here's our cat, Joker checking things out when we brought the desk home:
Think he likes it?

Well look forward to lots and lots of updates in the next 9 weeks as we move into this remodeling stage! Wish us luck that we are able to get Lillian's bedroom finished before her arrival!

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