Sunday, October 19, 2008

1st Time Parents: The first few days at home.

Just had a few minutes before bed and wanted to write about how our first few days at home have been! Besides a whirlwind of emotions, its been quite an adjustment.

The first night we came home Brock initiated me into motherhood by peeing on me when I was changing his diaper! What a treat :-) I was sooo tired, Spike had to keep waking me up because I never heard the baby on the monitor. I was completely delirious and every time I woke up, I kept asking Spike "where's the other one?" Totally convinced we had another baby! LOL!

The boys spent a good part of the day on Saturday watching football! Sooo cute :-) Spike was talking to Brock and Brock started making noises back at him. Adorable! It was like they were talking!! Night time was much better on Saturday. During the day, I was able to take a nap so that helped me A LOT at night time. Thankfully Brock had a late feeding and slept until 4am. He's been sleeping 3-4 hours at a time!

Today, Brock's umbilical cord stump fell off and freaked me out! I thought it was a little early, being that he's only 5 days old but my sister-in-law was here and reassured me that he was okay. I'm still a little freaked out, and Spike is totally grossed out.

Tomorrow is Brock's first visit with the Pediatrician! So it'll be our first time out in public together as a family :-) Awww!

Alright, so not a fun post, but whatever! I'm sleep deprived. I'll figure it out soon.

1 comment:

Party of Two said...

LOL, Ike peed on me the night we got home too! Jimmy has been feeding Ike a bottle of BM every night to let me sleep, but i think we are gonna stop that because if i go to bed at 8pm i only get to see my husband for an hour! No fun!